Rocket staging#

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Multistage rocket: similar stages#

For a multistage rocket with \(N\) similar stages, meaning each stage has the same effective exhaust velocity \(c\) (equivalent to the same specific impulse \(I_{\text{sp}}\)) and structural ratio \(\epsilon\), the structural/empty mass \(m_s\) and propellant mass \(m_p\) for the \(i\)th stage can be calculated:

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} m_{s,i} &= \frac{ \left(1 - \pi_{\text{PL}}^{1/N} \right) \epsilon}{\pi_{\text{PL}}^{(N+1-i)/N}} m_{\text{PL}} \\ m_{p,i} &= \frac{ \left(1 - \pi_{\text{PL}}^{1/N} \right) (1-\epsilon)}{\pi_{\text{PL}}^{(N+1-i)/N}} m_{\text{PL}} \;, \end{align*} \end{split}\]

where \(m_{\text{PL}}\) is the payload mass and \(\pi_{\text{PL}}\) is the payload fraction (\(m_{\text{PL}} / m_0\)).

The overall burnout velocity for an \(N\)-stage rocket is then

\[ v_{bo,N} = c N \log\left( \frac{1}{\pi_{\text{PL}}^{1/N} (1-\epsilon) + \epsilon} \right) \;. \]

For an infinite number of stages, the burnout velocity would be

\[ v_{bo, \infty} = c (1 - \epsilon) \log \left( \frac{1}{\pi_{\text{PL}}} \right) \;. \]

Example: varying number of stages#

How does the achievable burnout velocity—which is the maximum \(\Delta v\) for a launch vehicle—increase as the number of stages increases? How does this compare with the maximum theoretical velocity?

Determine for a multistage rocket with similar stages, each with \(\epsilon = 0.2\), \(c = 3000\) m/s, and an initial mass to payload mass ratio \(\frac{m_0}{m_{\text{PL}}} = 30\).

import numpy as np

struct_coeff = 0.2
eff_exhaust_velocity = 3000
m0_mPL = 30

payload_frac = 1 / 30
max_stages = 10

stages = list(range(1, max_stages + 1))
delta_v = np.zeros(max_stages)
for idx, N in enumerate(stages):
    delta_v[idx] = eff_exhaust_velocity * N * np.log(
        1 / (payload_frac**(1/N) * (1 - struct_coeff) + struct_coeff)

delta_v_inf = eff_exhaust_velocity * (1 - struct_coeff) * np.log(1 / payload_frac), delta_v)
plt.xlabel('Number of stages')
plt.ylim([0, 10000])
plt.ylabel('Burnout velocity (m/s)')
plt.axhline(delta_v_inf, ls='--')

In Matlab:

clear; clc

epsilon = 0.2;
c = 3000;
m0_mPL = 30;

max_stages = 10;
delta_v = zeros(max_stages, 1);

pi_PL = 1 / m0_mPL;

for N = 1 : max_stages
    delta_v(N) = c * N * log(1 / (pi_PL^(1/N) * (1 - epsilon) + epsilon));

delta_v_inf = c * (1 - epsilon) * log(1 / pi_PL);

bar(1:max_stages, delta_v)
hold on
yline(delta_v_inf, '--')